World Stroke Day

World Stroke Day is officially celebrated and honoured on the 29th of October, every single
year! Raising awareness about Strokes and their possible prevention is key and crucial in
helping people suffering from this ailment around the world!
The message we would like to deliver to the world on World Stroke Day: Stroke is very
much preventable!

When does a stroke take place? 

Learning more about the stroke symptoms is crucial in preventing further pain from this
debilitating ailment that can potentially take one’s life! A stroke takes place when the blood supply to the brain is completely cut off! This can essentially be a complete or partial cut off to the brain.
As soon as your are able to identity the stroke symptoms, being able to give the patient the treatment they require is quite important. It can be the difference between life and death for all you know!
Some of the signs that indicate a stroke are:
– Loss of movement
– Loss of feeling
– Loss of Vision on one side of the body
– Experience of Dizziness
– Confusion
– Difficulty speaking

Causes of Stroke 

If you are wondering what causes Stroke in the first place, listen up! According to serious
research done, very very high levels of Cholesterol, Smoking, very high blood pressure are
very major factors for development of strokes in the future. Another factor that causes stroke statistics to climb up is Obesity! You heard that right! Obesity can make Stroke Stats go up like crazy.

Treatment for Strokes

Treatment is very crucial and important to resolve and prevent Strokes. Getting Proper
Treatment is super important! Doctors are actively advised to start treatment on Carotid
Arteries for Treatment of Strokes. A Rapid Response method to Reduce Stroke Casualties is essentially developed for hospitals. This is done to help patients from suffering any sort of stroke! Treatments with blood thinners exist to minimise brain damage in Stroke Patients!

Types of Strokes

If you are interested in learning more about the Types of Strokes that exist in the history of
the world, then you should know that there are two types of them: Ischemic Strokes,
Hemorrhagic Strokes. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) – Also known as a mini stroke !
This is separate from the rest two types of strokes because the blood flow is blocked only
for 5 minutes!

Conclusion :

World Stroke Day is observed because it informs the public and manages to raise true

awareness about Strokes as well as their treatment. Strokes can be super dangerous if left unchecked! Healthy living cannot be achieved without this! Strokes are no small jokes. They can be super devastating to the individual if not treated properly! They can potentially devastate your life!

If you want to treasure your life properly, then illnesses can not only rob us of our health but destroy whatever one cherishes! Do something about your illnesses the best way you can! You will be able to cherish your important life moments, take hold of your life and make the best out of it!